About Me

Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Ashley Renshaw, 19 Year Old Graphics and Interactive Student.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Saul Bass! - Faulty Towers?

I got told my work looked like 'Saul Bass'.
As it is Sual Bass's birthday I thought what better way to post about it on my blog!
His good homepage just goes to show what can be achieved by combining moving image and design, something I'd love to explore further.
If you visit the google home page today (08/05/2013) You can see a small film title sequence which includes  references to some of his work. The title Sequence is in his normal flat colour unique style which is to be expected. And some what reminds me of the program faulty towers.

Read about it here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/may/08/saul-bass-film-google-doodle

Happy Birthday!

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