About Me

Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Ashley Renshaw, 19 Year Old Graphics and Interactive Student.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


After our second day on our FMP, I have chosen to work in 2D Flat book cover design. Reason that I have chosen cover design over Interactive book cover Is that when at University I will be studying Graphic design and Illustration. It only seemed the right of passage to choose this option. With that said I have been researching artist that I like or artist similar to the style I work in.

Olly moss - As always moss's style has always influenced me when designing. Recently he has done some work for Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. His simple but detailed illustrations could come in handy for inspiration.

On researching more I have found a designer under the name of 'Ron-Guyatt' on deviantart.

Ron Guatt - His designs are really inspiring from the range or colour to the minimal poster design he creates. His use of classic games and movies gives me a real sense that I will be able to accomplish this FMP in the style that I love.



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