About Me

Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Ashley Renshaw, 19 Year Old Graphics and Interactive Student.

Friday 29 March 2013

Game Cover Art

After my recent project on game cover art I have become increasingly Interested in the design process and the current artist which create my favourite games! Currently I am playing battlefield created by EA. It is really hard to find artist for games as It seems the design goes under the companies name (EA) not the artist or team of artist.

A find this a little frustrating tbh as If I had designed a cover for a huge hit It would go down as the company I represented not myself as an Artist. But I'm sure working for EA is good enough.

Upon researching cover art I came across a nice article on psd.tutplus about the 40 best video game covers.
One of my favourite cover art would have to be number 36! Fallout 3.


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